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The transition from transparent projection to digital projection.

Yakov Jacobson /July 17, 2019 / Industry News

Projection window

Custom Sized Projection Window

The transparency projectors are facing sort of extinction today, giving ways to the sophisticated digital projectors. There are several things that make digital projectors better than traditional transparency projection systems. One of these factors is the use of the custom sized projection port window.

In order to know what digital projection is, how it works, or in what way it differs from conventional transparency projection systems, one need to have an idea of the transition from transparency projectors to digital projectors. It is also important know how both systems work in a given situation.

How do transparency projectors work?

When a transparency projector is used in a given context, it shines light via a semi-transparent object. It does not require any custom sized projection port window. On the other hand, digital projectors work with the help of projection port windows. With the help of the projection port window, the digital image is projected to the screen via powerful lenses.

Types of digital projectors

The transition from the traditional transparency projectors to the sophisticated digital projectors has made significant changes in the movie industry. At the same time, there have been outstanding developments and inventions in the digital projection itself. CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) based digital projectors were the first entrant in digital projection. But today, they are seen anymore. They have been effectively replaced by LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and LED (Light Emitting Diode) based digital projectors.

movie projection

Movie Projection

The invention of LED and LCD projectors has taken digital projection to its fullest growth. The clarity of visuals projected through an LCD based digital projector is perfect. It can simply recreate the visuals before one’s eyes. Even if the screen seems bigger, the visuals will not lose their clarity or crisp fidelity, one of the many unique features that digital projectors have against the transparency projectors.

When it comes to the core aspect of functionality, digital projectors are more or less similar to a traditional slide projector because it makes use of the changing of slides for recreating visuals. However, the pace in which the slides are changed in a traditional sliding projector is at a low-level while in modern LCD projectors, it is done at faster pace.

Finally, modern digital projectors differ from transparency projectors on account of their use of custom sized projection port window. The type of port window being used can essentially influence the visual clarity and fidelity at the core level.



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