The difference between STC and OITC; An overview of acoustic glass.

Glass For Recording Studios
Glass is a material which is used widely for its aesthetic appearance. But aesthetics are far from the only measure of performance. Acoustics is a vital area, and as implied, have to do with the transmission of sound through the glass layer. In building exterior panels or in interior partitions, acoustics hold primary importance. Recording studio glass, especially, requires several specifications to be met so that the glass performs at its best.
There are two acoustic ratings based on sound transmission: OITC and STC. The OTIC is a relatively new way of measuring sound transmission, including information about how well the glass acts as a barrier. Both metrics give an idea of the sound levels passing through partitions, and apply to recording studio glass, as well as the whole acoustic setup.
Difference between STC and OITC
OITC has more to do with gauging the amount of sound passing through exterior walls. The sound in question may come from, say, cars in the parking lot, or construction work across the street. Architects are concerned with OITC because it lets them foresee the acoustic impacts on building performance. STC, by contrast, deals with interior building sound transmission. It gauges sound passing through partitions, said sound mostly being from people talking, or carrying out various other activities. Therefore, when you talk of recording studio glass, STC ratings are important.
Sound Blocking Glass
The acoustic glass are equally important as any other design aspect of a sound-sensitive environment. The basic questions to ask are, ‘Where will the sound come from?’, and ‘how much?’ The answers to these can help determine other requirements such as the properties of the material used. For recording studio glass, it is important to know the range of wavelength for sound incident around the material. There are also other factors to consider, such as the framing system and the sealants.

It is important to choose one of the STC or OITC ratings, for not just the glass but also the whole acoustic system. The numbers you get on these will give the amplitude of sound, which is reduced by the glazing, which is why you should go for the highest number as long as it can be afforded. The overall envelope system of the building is also crucial to this, which is installation has to be managed competently.